Written by WillSuite on 2nd June 2023
The WillSuite team is excited to announce the release of the WillSuite app, now available on LEAP’s marketplace. This exciting integration combines the powerful and efficient drafting capabilities of WillSuite with LEAP’s practice management software.
To commemorate the launch, we’re running an exclusive webinar this month to showcase the app and what it means for both law firms and estate planning professionals. Register and secure your place here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/draft-wills-and-lpas-using-willsuites-new-leap-integration-tickets-647020023307
So how does it work? Let’s take a look!
LEAP users now have the ability to draft Wills and LPAs using WillSuite’s drafting system within any of their Will and LPA matter types. By clicking the “Will Drafter” or “LPA Drafter” icon at the top right. If you’re drafting mirror documents, simply select which testator you’d like to draft for and the WillSuite questionnaire will open up within LEAP.
From this point, you’re able to work through the questionnaire exactly how you would do in WillSuite, and when you’re done you can upload the Will or LPA, commentary, signing guide and interview questions directly back into the matter. It doesn’t stop there either, as users have full access to manual tracked editing and adding watermarks at any time.
Want to learn more about the integration? Speak with a member of the WillSuite team today to learn more! info@willsuite.co.uk
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